Redfall location
Redfall location

redfall location redfall location

You are directed to reach the local fire station which will act as your safe haven and home of operations. After crashing ashore with no understanding of what has unfolded locally, you notice immediately that things are not as they should be. Redfall is a fictional town in Massachusetts and the setting for your adventure. The big question, naturally, was: Could Arkane put all of these pieces together successfully? It turns out the answer is more complicated than I had hoped. On paper it had many aspects I love about games, including Arkane’s trademark world-building, a strong single-player story that could be enjoyed in four-player co-op, and a combination of looting, shooting, and character building.

redfall location

With that in mind, I was very excited for Redfall. I call this out as I personally believe Prey was one of the greatest games of the past decade and the closest thing we’ve seen to a true BioShock successor. While they naturally share resources to some degree, they tend to work on games independently. Arkane Lyon developed Dishonored and Deathloop primarily, while Arkane Austin most recently developed Prey (2017). Arkane Studios represents two unique development houses under Bethesda’s (and Xbox’s) umbrella.

Redfall location